05-05-2018, 03:40 AM
Hi everyone,
Just in case, I wanted to inform that everyone with Stellar can receive free Lumens periodically (even weekly). This is because there are inflation pools that you can vote for by linking your account to their pool.
Currently, there are several inflation pools. The most "common" one is Lumenaut.net. They have a step by step guide on how to pair your address.
Please read through everything before doing anything; especially if you are new/not familiar. Watch youtube guides too if you need a av guide.
Happy rocketing. :)
Just in case, I wanted to inform that everyone with Stellar can receive free Lumens periodically (even weekly). This is because there are inflation pools that you can vote for by linking your account to their pool.
Currently, there are several inflation pools. The most "common" one is Lumenaut.net. They have a step by step guide on how to pair your address.
Please read through everything before doing anything; especially if you are new/not familiar. Watch youtube guides too if you need a av guide.
Happy rocketing. :)
Truly appreciate it